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Alpha Knots (Alpha Horde Book 3)

  Alpha Knots

  Alpha Horde, #3

  Milana Jacks

  Alpha Knots © Milana Jacks 2019

  This is a work of fiction. I made this shit up for women all over the world that believe in guys like these.

  Yes, I’m sane. Thanks for asking.

  All rights reserved. Copying and pasting chunks of my words then publishing is forbidden. If it happens, it’s okay, they serve food in jail.

  Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is coincidental, seeing as hot aliens are an everyday event at the local gym.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19


  Alpha Collects exclusive teaser


  Meet the Alpha Beast

  About the Author

  Milana’s Backlist



  “The Horde is suicidal,” Dreikx says and punches a bunch of buttons on the panel of the metal box he calls a transport pod. “The conditions here are extreme. I advise returning in the spring.”

  “No,” I say, though the time I’ve spent traveling from Ohala to Nessetra, Regha’s mountain region, with Dreikx does make me suicidal. Dreikx is a bore, and his advice is as good as the deflated knot at the base of my dick. Even my loyal hound, Loyo, is bored. He snores in the back of the cramped pod as we descend to the Horde safe house at the base of Mount Ness.

  A gust of wind hits the flying metal box. The engines struggle to hold our position, and yet Dreikx continues his futile argument. “It’s not too late to turn around.”

  “The mission is clear, and I’ve already planned out my steps. Fetch the Omega. Deliver the Omega to Montar and bring the Guardians into the Horde’s fold. It’s as good as done.”

  “Do you always do what your crazy Alpha says?”

  “Yes. But I don’t need his permission to strangle you. Keep that in mind.” Dreikx got me here faster than my hound would’ve; otherwise, I would have ridden the hound. I wish I’d ridden my hound. Despite Dreikx’s advanced technology, the Telean transport ships apparently can’t fly in Regha mountain conditions. I put that in my vault of knowledge in case the Teleans ever turn completely stupid and try to occupy Regha. Which, if you ask me, is possible, and now would be the prime time. Our people are split between the king and Loven.

  Loven is the right choice. Any sane person can deduce that, and seeing as I am sane, I’m loyal to my Horde Alpha. I point ahead, then a tick to the left. “See that little brown hole? Land it in there.”

  “You lack common sense and logic. That cave opening is narrow. We won’t make it.”

  “You’re a fucking pussy. Drive the thing into the mountain.”

  Dreikx shakes his head but propels us forward. I lean in, watching as the box enters the cave, and rejoice when we make it. I hate flying.

  “See that?” I smile. “You don’t know unless you try. Landed. Done.”

  The ship scrapes the walls of the narrow cave passage, and Dreikx winces as I cover my ears.

  Finally, he lands and the engines shut off. Dreikx spins in his big chair, silver pupils dilating. “Prior to the mission,” he says, “I provided the dimensions of this transport pod and specifically asked if it could pass the safe house’s entrance. Loven said it could. Explain to me why we’re stuck?”

  “You’re a bad pilot?”

  Dreikx’s jaw works. “I will strangle you, Horde.”

  “Later.” I unstrap my safety belts and step away, then nudge Loyo. The tip of his tongue touches the floor, a puddle of drool gathering around his face. Dreikx is gonna have to clean it up. Groggy black hound eyes blink, and Loyo wiggles in his safety restraints, then growls, half-confused, half-annoyed.

  “Did you have a nice nap, princess?” I release his belts and prepare to walk out and meet the Omega, who should be somewhere in the cave. When the exit doesn’t open, I turn back around to see Dreikx playing with the damn crystalized stones that, according to him, coordinate the space gate’s delivery system. “What are you doing?”

  “Recalibrating the transmitter,” Dreikx deadpans.

  “Why?” Speaking with Dreikx is like yanking my dick with rope. Uncomfortable.


  Loyo grunts, then lifts his ass for a stretch. Must be nice to be a hound. Finally, Dreikx opens the door, and I peer out to look around the great cave. The steam from a large bath melts the icicles hanging from the ceiling. Drip. Drip. Drip. I lift my nose, trying to identify scents. Clean but stuffy cave air. No Omega pussy.

  “The Omega isn’t here,” I inform the mighty pilot and expert of space gates before I walk back to the panel he’s fiddling with. “Why is she not here?”

  “Because the space gate is faulty.”

  “We know that, but we thought you could deliver. You said you could deliver the Omega.”

  “An Omega has to walk to her end of the gate. And I never said I could deliver with one hundred percent certainty, because the gate is faulty. And yet here we are. The Horde has no logic and makes no sense to me.”

  “I need the Omega.” I clap him on the shoulder. “Make it happen, oh smart Dreikx, king of thieves.”

  Dreikx picks up the transmitter and puts the thing inside some kind of holographic projection. I’m guessing he’s working on fixing it.

  A scream pierces the silence.

  My ear flaps lift, and I listen.

  Dreikx lifts those damn holograms with wide-range scanners he’s not supposed to engage.

  “Loven specifically prohibited this kind of tech.”

  “You are inside a spaceship, dear. The whole thing is tech.”

  “Lower those scanners.” We don’t want the Teleans to know the details of this location even if after I leave here, the Horde won’t ever return. If Dreikx knows about the safe house, it’s no longer safe. Nessers, native wild animals in this region, will sniff around and eventually move into this cave for shelter, so whoever comes here will need to deal with them.

  Dreikx points at the moving red dot on the scanner. “Heat.”

  I know of only one heat source, and that would be the Omega. Without thinking, I rush out of the ship, ready to get her. Then I stop and snarl. The ship blocks the cave’s only entrance and exit. So I drop to my belly and fit my big ass under the ship and crawl, swearing to the Holy Serpent that if the nessers get to the Omega before I do, I’ll kill the Telean and make it look like an accident.

  The winds blow the snow, quickly blocking the entry. This is good. Nessers hunt by sight, and they won’t see the stuck ship. I jump off the cliff, armor rising midleap, and catch myself on a red-top tree, then use the tree’s unique net of branches to maneuver my way down in the direction of the scream.



  Freezing-cold winds sweep me off my feet, and I scream as I fall headfirst into the snow. What the heck? I get up, dust off, and stumble as the gusts hit my back. Jesus. I squint and look around, barely able to see two feet in front of me. Everything is white apart from red patches of…of mushrooms that look like tall, thin trees scattered across the base of a… My gaze travels up and up. A mountain? Where the hell am I?

  A gust of wind sweeps over me, and I fal
l again, this time on my butt. “Hello?” I spin around but can’t get up as winds blow in my face. Jesus, it’s freezing out here. What the heck?

  Nearby, I spot a tree and crawl to it. I plaster my back against it and look up, wiping my wet face. The tree is definitely a giant mushroom with a thin furry green trunk and a red top. I’ve never seen anything like it. My teeth start chattering. I ignore it. This is some sort of a… I can’t explain what’s happening. It’s seventy degrees in San Diego and negative infinity out here. Alice in Wonderland comes to mind, except that my name is Samantha, and Wonderland existed in my imagination when I was four. I’m twenty-four, with a dream of becoming a missing-persons detective by the age of thirty.

  Feet frozen, teeth chattering, I scan the area for shelter. I’ll think on what happened after I find shelter, or else my brain and body will freeze. Seeing nowhere I can hide, I crawl around the tree. There’s nothing but white landscape and red-topped trees. The winds blow from right to left, so I crawl with the wind, letting it propel me forward.

  My body is barely moving.

  I’m already half-frozen, exhaustion taking over my mind. Dear Lord, I’m gonna die out here. Is it a dream? Did someone clonk me over the head and I fell into a coma? I hope so. I could understand that. The winds are whipping me, my vision blurs. I close my eyes and let the sleep take me.

  Strange sounds awaken me. I keep listening but don’t open my eyes, controlling my breathing so whoever is there can’t tell I’m awake. The voices sound male, gruff, deep, and guttural, all hissing sounds I’ve never heard anyone make. It dawns on me that someone could’ve clocked me over the head with something, then abducted me. Cops have a lot of enemies, Daddy warned me today, before he wished me well on my first day on the job.

  Gah, I should’ve left the cold case of the missing girls alone. Daddy advised I leave it to the pros. Nick and I responded to the noise-complaint call, sorted out the problem, wrote the frat boys another warning, then left. Later that evening, I returned because something simply didn’t sit right with me at that house. In the past few months, two girls had gone missing there. I stuck my nose where it didn’t belong, and now I have no idea where the hell I am. Maybe this is exactly what happened to the girls. They vanished, but had to have ended up somewhere. Are they here?

  My clothes are wet, but I’m warm, which is odd. The heavy weight on top of my body tells me the dudes covered me with blankets. My Glock pokes my ribs, so I’ve still got the gun and the holster. I squeeze my butt cheeks. Yup, my wallet is on my person too. Who are these idiots, kidnapping a woman and not even stripping her of her belongings? They haven’t even searched me. Under my eyelids, I roll my eyes. They probably think I’m a civilian, a college student looking to get ass at the frat house. This will work in my favor.

  Footsteps approach, and one of them must be standing just a foot away, because I smell his…cologne. It’s pleasant. Very pleasant. Like something I want to lick, and as if a switch turns on, my pussy clenches. I dampen my panties. Jesus. I’m the stupid one now, but seeing as I have to breathe, I keep inhaling his cologne. Good Lord, it’s sexy. As if it’s a viable strategy, I hold my breath. Eventually, I breathe again. Mmm, the scent is arousing.

  Out of nowhere, unknown sounds and words fly into my mind.

  I kick out.

  Eyes wide open, I get my gun and roll into a crouch, aiming. But I can’t shoot. I can’t shoot because, one, I’m not trigger happy, and two, I’m in shock. “Hands where I can see them!”

  There are two males. The gray one, about six two, bald, flat nosed, with silver pupils against black eyes, smiles and raises his hands. The bigger one, sage green with fur covering his broad shoulders and flat nosed with black eyes, crouches and makes kissing noises while an emerald-green…exoskeleton covers his body. “Don’t be afraid, little Omega. Daddy Vemlox’s not gonna hurt you.”

  Besides their physical appearance, there’s something wrong with their brains, or they don’t understand me. I’m thinking in English, forming words in my native tongue, but it’s coming out in a foreign language of hissing, guttural sounds I have to force out of my throat. “Gonna count to three. One—”

  Faster than lightning, the green man tackles me, takes possession of my gun, and pins me to the furs on the floor. His eyes are black, his lips are black, the bottom one pierced, his nose is nearly flat, and a gold bar curves between nostrils that are wider than mine. His ears are just flaps that lift. No hair, only hard emerald shells that withdraw back into his body as I watch, speechless, stupid, and definitely aroused. He is lickable, smells masculine, like a man who can handle a woman like me. I pinch my lips, though I’d rather pinch my nipples that are poking his hard body.

  He’s grinning down at me. His nose piercing, adorned with red rubies, makes him look like a bad-boy heavy-metal star in a monster costume. He’s wearing a mask, a full-body costume, I realize. They might not be idiots after all, and if they intended to kill me, they wouldn’t have worn masks. Hope is healthy.

  The other one clears his throat. “Vemlox, if you release any more pheromones, I will join you.”

  The one above me—Vemlox—doesn’t take his eyes off me. His head dips closer and closer to my face, and I part my lips and my legs, reach for his face…when he shakes his head and kisses the tip of my nose. “Welcome to Regha, earthling Omega. You will be safe here.”

  I scrub my face. Keep calm and rational. My pussy spasms and leaks liquid heat, wetting my underwear some more. Something is wrong here. “Do you intend to keep me alive for ransom?”

  “In a way.”

  Okay, okay. Law and disorder, familiar territories for me. “I have allergies to some medicines. What kind of drugs did you give me?”


  I shake my head. “You gave me something, and I’m gonna get sick.”

  “Are you referring to your arousal?” the gray one asks.

  I attempt not to blush but fail. “Yes.”

  The green monster chuckles. “You’re an Omega.”

  I snort. “You’re wrong, honey. I’m definitely an Alpha.”

  He sits up and crouches beside me, a sly grin on his face. “My nose doesn’t lie. Smells like Omega pussy to me.”

  Weird, but I got another issue. “I’m speaking in tongues.”

  They frown, and the green one—Vemlox—tilts his head. “Fuck your translators, Telean.” To me, he says, “How many tongues do you have?”

  “Languages. I’m speaking another language.”

  “We have uploaded Rahkan into your brain,” the gray one says.

  A beep sounds, and I turn toward the noise. Oh my Lord. Wedged between the cave’s walls is a huge steel sphere, a steel object with blinking lights circling it. What is that?

  The gray guy walks toward it. “My stranded ship needs care.”

  I scramble up, follow him, and stand there, staring at a mini version of a flying spere. No way. I crouch, looking underneath for wheels. Nope, no wheels. “Am I at NASA?” Why would I be at NASA? But I can’t make sense of this.

  “You’re on Regha,” the gray one answers, then steps onto a…ramp that retreats inside the ship, taking the man with it. He steps off, and the ramp lifts, becomes a door, and closes behind him.

  “Got nice warm clothes for you,” Vemlox says cheerfully.

  Wide-eyed, I spin around, painfully aware I’ll freeze any moment now. It’s unbearably cold. I’m a black woman. My ancestors came from Africa, and I honor them by living in ever-warm San Diego, thank you very much. No cold states for me. Nope. “What is this place?”

  “Nessetra, a region on Regha. And we’re at the base of Mount Ness.”

  “Exactly where is Regha?”

  “Sycol solar system.”

  “A what?”

  Vemlox drapes woolly fabric and clothes over my shoulder. “Change into this, and I’ll tell you what I know.”

  With no privacy, I strip out of my clothes and dress in a tunic and furs while he tells me I’ve ente
red a space gate on Earth and exited on Regha, as in I left Earth for another planet, where this alien male—alien!—eagerly awaited my arrival. The gray one is a Telean who manned the faulty space gate, and the green one, who believes I’ve landed on his planet, is a Regha Alpha, a native. He is also “Horde,” and this only means something to him, nothing to me. I sit and stare at the icicles formed inside the cave while Vemlox urges me to put on more clothes. I do as I’m told. I have no words. I’m mute, completely in shock, and I’m not sure I can recover.

  I don’t believe him.

  I don’t believe this is really happening to me. This bastard is crazy, and I can’t fall into his fantasy world where aliens kidnapped me. That’s just not possible.



  The Great Serpent answered my prayers and sent me a human Omega unlike any other. She smells delicious, and I want to bond her as soon as her heat hits. But she’s not mine to bond. Still, I’d like to fuck her right now. Then what? Send her back to Ohala with a Telean? Hell, no. Take her to the Guardians’ stronghold? Hell, no. Stay here in the cave with her and pump her belly full of babies for the rest of our lives? Hell, yes. Ha! I wish.

  Perhaps this is why the wise king of Regha gives Omegas only to the retired Alphas. Otherwise, Omegas would be tempted to come with their Alphas on missions such as this one. Which is suicide. Regha Omegas barely survive these conditions, and I’m unsure if human ones can survive at all. Despite the time I had to prepare and fantasize about owning an Omega, I stand here, inside the Telean’s ship doubting my ability to keep her alive until we get to the Guardians’ stronghold and inside their settlement, and especially in case Montar, Guardian Alpha, refuses the Omega. A million and one things can go wrong with this mission, but I’m here, and I’m gonna deliver her if it’s the last thing I do.